Have You Considered the Health Benefits of Having Flowers Around?
Posted By Allen's Flower Market On Thursday, 07 April 2022 Back

Have You Considered the Health Benefits of Having Flowers Around?
Brighten Your Mood and Enhance Your Health with Fresh Flowers
Ever feel like the arrival of Spring gives you a new lease on life? At Allen’s Flower Market, we delight in the magical qualities of Spring - the emergence of fresh buds and blooms, sun streaming in through the window, and longer days all contribute to a sense of ease. Having a fresh floral bouquet in your home can do more than just brighten a room - flowers can have an uplifting effect on your mood and are known to impact your health positively. The simple presence of flowers in your home environment breaks up your mental routine and brings beauty and clarity to the forefront. Flowers have the power to chase away blues and reduce anxiety thanks to their fresh pops of color, aromatics, and the reminder of the beauty nature has to offer.
In addition to lifting our spirits, the sunny Spring days bring with them all kinds of reminders to keep our bodies healthy. Getting outdoors, moving around in the fresh air, and spending time absorbing the sunshine are all crucial for physical and mental well-being. But did you know that having flowers in your home also has clear health benefits? Your living environment affects you deeply – and how you set up your space can positively affect your well-being. Just as going outdoors can be mood-lifting and helpful for your body, bringing elements of nature into your home can also promote a sense of wellness. Flowers are trusted stress relievers, for one thing. Feeling discouraged or overwhelmed is surprisingly common in today’s busy world. A bright, fresh-cut bouquet has proven mood-boosting and stress-relieving effects. Stress relief is no small matter – reducing anxiety helps improve your ability to think, sleep, listen, retain information, and heal injuries.
Amazingly, flowers are also known to have a positive effect on memory. Floral arrangements in your home office can bring heightened enthusiasm and focus to your daily work. Flowers often come with strong associations of pleasure and feeling cared for. And, because they are so fragrant and their smells are often linked to specific memories, flowers might have the power to stimulate memories in the brain. A home filled with flowers and plants can bring some of the benefits of breathing fresh, outside air into the great indoors. Flowers help to humidify indoor air, creating healthier air in dry climates. Higher indoor humidity boosts immunity, especially during transitional seasons like Spring. Be sure to keep your flowers’ water fresh by changing it daily to get the most of this air-moistening effect. Plus, living, potted plants help purify the air in our homes and filter airborne toxins: Sansevieria, or snake plants, clean air at exceptionally high rates. Check out our stunning Sansevieria, artfully potted in a geometrically shaped ceramic pot.
Additionally, the simple gesture of giving and receiving the spontaneous gift of a floral bouquet conveys a timeless, powerful message of care, support, and positive energy. The happy impact of a gift uplifts people in ways that are otherwise very difficult to communicate. World Health Day is coming up on April 17 and marks an ideal moment to consider gifting plants or flowers. Whether you are looking to uplift someone from sadness or ill health, or you’d like to recognize the healthcare champions in your life, make flowers a part of this World Health Day.
At Allen’s Flower Market, we are here to help you enjoy the benefits of a florally rich home environment. Allen’s Flower Market has been family-owned and operated for over 40 years and has four Southern California locations. Visit us at any of our floral design stores in Long Beach, San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, and Sunland-Tujunga, or call us at 877.981.9499. We are proud to offer you the healthful benefits of fresh, inspiring floral designs – and we are here to support the well-being of the healthcare providers in your life, as well. Have a look at our latest floral creations at https://www.allensflowermarket.com/.