How To Show Support for a Sick Loved One
Posted By Allen's Flower Market On Tuesday, 22 February 2022 Back

How To Show Support for a Sick Loved One
Tender Loving Care to Cure What Ails Your Loved Ones
In the depths of winter, it can be challenging for even the healthiest people to avoid some form of illness. From a seasonal cold or flu to the ongoing battle to avert a COVID-19 infection to a bout of seasonal affective sadness, it’s simply the time of year when people everywhere are a little more prone to illness. When your friends, family members, or co-workers come down with something, whether severe or seasonal, there are all kinds of ways you can offer your love and support. Here are some of our favorite ideas:
- Offer them practical support. Offer to run errands, deliver groceries, or drop off a home-cooked meal for the sick person. A small gesture, like returning a text message on their behalf or sending over a snack that you know they love, can go a very long way. If your loved one is in the hospital, offer to bring them comforting things from home, such as blankets, slippers, cosmetics, and reminders of their bedroom that they love. If your sick loved one has pets, offer to feed and care for them. Letting them know that their furry family is safe and healthy can ease stress and help a sick person feel deeply supported. Water their plants, take in their mail and do what you can to prevent them from becoming overwhelmed by the details of everyday life.
- Offer emotional support. If an otherwise healthy person comes down with COVID or the flu, chances are, their physical symptoms might encroach on their feelings as well. Being exhausted and weak can translate to feeling lonely or helpless. This is magnified enormously for loved ones who are chronically or severely ill. Get in frequent contact with your sick loved ones to let them know you are thinking of them. Share happy photos and memories to brighten their days.
- Offer your companionship. Show up and be present with your loved one in any way that you can. If they have a contagious illness, make your presence known through phone calls, waving from their window, or sending text messages. If it is safe to visit, plan on carving out quality time to spend with your sick loved one. Illness can distort a person’s sense of time, and if the visit feels rushed, you may leave a confusing impression on the ill person. Instead, aim to spend a good stretch of time together, even if it means you bring a friend along or bring activities to fill the hours. Keep in mind that a sick person may not always want to talk – but even so, your presence is undoubtedly a gift to them.
- Give a loving touch. If it is safe and appropriate, offer the sick person a gentle touch. When a person is very ill, feeling detached from the body is normal. Simply holding their hand, touching their arm, or applying a nourishing lotion to their feet can be deeply comforting and is a powerful experience for both you and your loved one.
Illness can appear at the most inconvenient times and is a bummer for everyone involved. Bring some light to a sick loved one’s day with a special “Get Well” gift from Allen’s Flower Market. We have a special selection of balloons and gifts to cheer a sick person, as well as a variety of get-well flower arrangements to let your loved one know that you are thinking of them. Whether you are nearby and visiting frequently or are showing your love from afar, Allen’s Flower Market has your floral needs covered. We offer same-day delivery, both locally and nationwide. Shop online to find the perfect floral expression, or call us at 562-981-9499 for personalized service.