How Plants Can Support Your New Year’s Resolutions

Posted By Allen's Flower Market On Tuesday, 11 January 2022 Back

How Plants Can Support Your New Year’s Resolutions

How Plants Can Support Your New Year’s Resolutions


Why Plants Support Your 2022 Resolutions and General Health

Ah, Resolution season. Fitness fanatics are hitting the weights, wellness lovers are pulling out their meditation cushions, and people all over are setting goals for the year ahead. If you’re like most people, chances are you’ve struggled to stick to a resolution in the past. Did you know that simply living among plants and flowers might improve your odds at sticking to a resolution? 

Plants Have Physical Benefits to Support New Year’s Resolutions

If your resolution involves anything to do with your health, keep in mind that having flowers and plants in your home also has clear health benefits. After all, your living environment affects you deeply – and how you set up your space can positively affect your well-being. Just as going outdoors can be mood-lifting and helpful for your body, bringing elements of nature into your home can also promote a sense of wellness and health. A home filled with flowers and plants can bring some of the benefits of breathing fresh, outside air into your living space. 

Plants help humidify the air, which is especially helpful in dry climates and during the winter months. Healthy, moist air boosts immunity and lifts your energy. In addition to creating a sense of peace and well-being, did you know that indoor plants can help reduce airborne dust and allergens? They contribute to healthy, breathable air and increase humidity in dry climates. Potted plants help purify the air in our homes and filter toxins that float in the air: Sansevieria, or snake plants, clean air at exceptionally high rates. Check out our sweet Sansevieria, artfully potted in a beautiful, artful ceramic pot. Whether you’re simply trying to stay healthy or you’re embarking on a New Year’s fitness regime, your plants will support you and make your home a healthier place to be.

Plants Provide Mental Health Benefits as You Transition to 2022

For some people, the beginning of a new year is equal parts exciting and stressful. The bustle and fun of the holidays is behind us, and the reality of another pandemic winter is setting in. Plants are trusted stress relievers, and studies have shown that a room with houseplants is conducive to productivity, creativity, and can enhance ability to focus. Indoor plants are also known to ease feelings of depression or sluggishness. Flowers, too, are proven to boost moods and relieve pesky stresses. Stress relief is no small matter – reducing anxiety helps improve our ability to think, sleep, listen, retain information, and heal injuries. Living among plants is also known to have a positive effect on memory. 

Make Plants Central To Your 2022 Resolutions

Still searching for the right resolution? Caring for plants may be just the ticket. Plant care is satisfying, rewarding, and therapeutic. Here are some ideas for resolutions that are all about putting your green thumb to use: 

  • Spend time every day with your plants. Maybe you take five minutes to prune dead foliage, remove detritus from their soil, or simply admire your plants – spending a bit of time each day giving plants your focus is a very achievable, lovely resolution. Some people sing or talk to their plants like they would do to a pet. The term “plant parent” may feel silly, but trust us – once you start dedicating time to your houseplants, you’ll begin to truly care about their well-being. 
  • Commit to a plant watering routine. Do you sometimes find yourself waiting until it’s too late to water your plants? Hint: it’s too late if leaves have already fallen, turned crispy, or are wilted, depending on the plant. Most plants thrive with a weekly watering that soaks the soil all the way through; however, if you’re caring for a snake plant, succulent, or cactus, beware of overwatering. 
  • Re-pot your plants. Re-potting is a wonderful thing to do for healthy and growing plants that have been in the same pot for 1-2 years. When you re-pot, transport the plant to a larger pot and add fresh soil to the base and sides as you set the plant. This is also a great moment to examine your plant’s roots and trim away any rot with clean, sharp scissors or shears. If your plant’s original soil is dry or diseased, you can rinse the roots in a sink basin or shower with lukewarm water and gently spread them in fresh soil when you go to re-pot. If the original soil appears healthy, it is fine to bring it into the new pot along with some fresh soil and plant food. 
  • Photograph your plants. This may be getting into true plant parent territory – but hear us out. Keeping a photo journal of your plants will allow you to see how they’ve changed over time. It can be challenging to keep an eye on leaf loss, growth, or wonky growth directions because most plants grow slowly. Keeping a photo record of how plants looked will inform you about what changes over time and is an excellent way to ensure you’re keeping your plants healthy. 
  • Clean your plants. Perhaps you combine this with ‘spending time with your plants’ or make it part of the watering process – but giving plants a little dust-off every week or two is an excellent way to care for them. Dust-free plants are better able to photosynthesize and produce fresh breathing air for you. Plus, plants are beautiful when they’re clean. 

At Allen’s Flower Market, we are pleased to offer a compelling selection of flowers and plants to bring long-term health, improved air quality, and the focus you need to commit to your New Year’s Resolution. We carry a variety of potted green plantsflowering plantsbasket gardens, and more. Check out our full selection of plants and flowers online