The Easiest Houseplants To Care For

Posted By Allen's Flower Market On Tuesday, 09 November 2021 Back

The Easiest Houseplants To Care For

The Easiest Houseplants To Care For


How To Choose Houseplants That Are Impossible To Kill

Have you had a houseplant that you could not please? Sometimes, houseplants will grow dull, wilt, yellow, or droop no matter how hard we try. It can be daunting to grow houseplants at all, knowing that they may not last. Yet, in nature, plants withstand all sorts of changes and still manage to stay strong. 

At Allen’s Flower Market, we believe that the more plant life you have around you at all times, the happier you are. In fact, houseplants and flowers are known to have a positive overall effect on a person’s health. Plants are good for the air we breathe – they filter carbon dioxide and act as a natural air purifier. Houseplants are also helpful for humidifying a dry room and are famous for helping to lift the mood and reduce stress, anxiety, and worry. Plus, when you are able to take care of a houseplant long-term, it builds confidence. 

To have success with houseplants, you have to find the right plant for you, considering where you live, how often you can care for it, and how much space you have for a plant. Many houseplants are cultivated for indoor living in the United States but are actually tropical in origin and require a certain amount of light and humidity to thrive. Depending on how you control the climate in your home, tropical plants may be difficult to maintain – especially in Southern California. 

That said, certain tropical plants are very forgiving and can thrive in just about any household. For example, Dieffenbachia, or Dumbcane, is a terrific houseplant for a total beginner. Its broad, vibrant leaves are inspiring and fill a room with a sense of hope and energy. Dumbcane thrives in moderate filtered light, so keeping it in a windowed room but away from direct exposure is a great way to keep it happy. Since it is tropical in origin, Dieffenbachia does not do well with cold or dry air – so be sure to keep it away from open windows, especially in winter. As long as you water your Dieffenbachia regularly, soaking the soil every 7-10 days, you should expect nothing but radiance in return. Keep your Dieffenbachia happy for a few years, and it may just grow into a large enough plant to stand tall in a floor planter. 

Another tropical plant that is almost impossible to kill is Dracena. These low-maintenance beauties are known for their long, spiky leaves and for the beautiful patterns that appear on their foliage. Dracena plants also thrive in indirect sunlight, although some will do just fine in low light. As with Dieffenbachia, Dracenas benefit from a humid space with minimal wind or cool air. Pro tip: you can preserve humidity in the plant’s soil by placing pebbles on top of the dirt and spraying the leaves with water a few times each week. 

Bromeliads are one of the strongest and easiest tropical plants to grow at home. This plant is most comfortable in the same conditions as people – it favors a 70-degree atmosphere without drafts. Follow the same advice for Bromeliads as you would for Dracena or Dieffenbachia. Plus, if you’d like to see your Bromeliad flower, give it a bit more light during the wintertime – or force it to flower by setting it next to some fresh fruits for about a week.

Looking for a plant that evokes the desert? We are big fans of the snake plant, or Sanservieria, a perfect choice for anyone who claims not to have a green thumb. Snake plants require almost no maintenance at all. Put them in a room with plenty of light within a few feet of a window, and they’re bound to thrive. Snake plants need almost no water – in fact, the easiest way to kill a snake plant is to water it regularly. Trust that your snake plant will thrive unattended while you’re out of town. Plus, snake plants do wonders for your indoor air quality.

Visit Allen’s Flower Market to find the perfect indoor plant for your home. Explore our collection of green and flowering potted plants on our website. Visit any of our locations in Long Beach, Sunland, San Fernando Valley, and Los Angeles to experience our floral masterpieces in person.