The Restorative Powers of Plants and Flowers

Posted By Allen's Flower Market On Wednesday, 10 April 2024 Back

The Restorative Powers of Plants and Flowers

The Restorative Powers of Plants and Flowers


Discovering the Healing Touch of Plants and Flowers

Ask a flower expert – it is hard to deny the calming, euphoric effect flowers have on people. From ancient times to today, the therapeutic properties of flowers and plants have been celebrated across cultures worldwide. In some cases, there are specific therapeutic benefits that plants and flowers offer, with centuries of wisdom that speaks to their ability to nurture both body and soul.

Lavender: A Scented Sanctuary

Few scents evoke a sense of tranquility quite like lavender. With its delicate purple blooms and soothing aroma, lavender has been used for ages to promote relaxation, ease insomnia, and alleviate stress. Research suggests that inhaling the fragrance of lavender essential oil can reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality, making it a popular choice for aromatherapy treatments. Whether in the form of dried lavender sachets tucked under pillows or a fresh aromatic bouquet, incorporating this fragrant herb into your daily routine can create a sense of calm and serenity amidst the chaos of modern life.

Decongest with Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus offers a wide range of health benefits thanks to its potent aroma and therapeutic properties. Eucalyptus may be best known for its ability to support respiratory health. Inhaling the steam from eucalyptus leaves or using eucalyptus essential oil in a diffuser can help clear nasal congestion, relieve coughs, and ease symptoms of respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis. Do you know someone with a cold who is also stressed and overwhelmed? Send them a eucalyptus-framed bouquet! After all, the soothing aroma of eucalyptus essential oil has a calming effect on the nervous system, making it effective for relieving stress, anxiety, and tension. 

Nourish Yourself with Chrysanthemum

The mighty mum is a powerhouse of healing energy that has been a staple in Chinese medicine for generations. From fever reduction to eye health, stress relief to detoxing the liver, consuming mums in teas highlights the beautiful bloom’s versatile properties. Plus, they’re lovely to look at! At Allen’s Flower Market, we like to pair mums with bold blooms in striking colors.

Flowers Elevate The Small Moments in Life

Beyond their specific healing powers, flowers captivate us with their visual splendor. Research suggests that merely gazing at vibrant blooms can have a positive impact on our mood and overall well-being. Picture a vibrant bouquet of sunflowers basking in the golden glow of sunlight—it's hard not to feel a sense of joy and optimism in their presence. Allen's Flower Market offers an endless variety of floral arrangements bursting with hues that evoke feelings of happiness and vitality, reminding us to embrace the beauty that surrounds us.

When we incorporate plants and flowers into our living spaces, we transform them into sanctuaries of serenity. Whether it's a perky succulent adorning a corner of your home or a vase of freshly cut roses gracing your dining table, these botanical accents infuse our surroundings with vitality and tranquility. At Allen's Flower Market, we invite you to explore our collection of plants and flowers, each lovingly arranged to inspire joy and nurture the soul. Visit either of our floral workshops in Long Beach or Los Angeles or shop our floral varieties online